2022 PHACE Syndrome Community Virtual Conference
Held on August 20, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern standard time
Online via Zoom
Zoom link was sent to all attendees via the email used to register for event.
We are thrilled to have hosted the 2022 National Conference as a virtual platform, and to have 49 families join us for the one-day virtual event. Below you will find the meeting schedule, the speaker bios, our meeting sponsors.
Access all the recorded presentations from the conference here.
Conference Agenda
Meeting Agenda

*Session will be recorded
Tips to make the one-day virtual conference a success!
Each medical session will be 30 minutes in length, with 15 minutes dedicated to speaker presentation, followed with 15 minutes of questions and answers. The speakers want your questions, but please hold off until their presentation is over.
Please feel free to ask questions, but be mindful that questions specifically about your child may not be able to be answered during the meeting.
Mute your computer during the speaker presentation and while you are not speaking. It makes it much easier to hear those who are speaking.
Keep on your camera! Everyone is thrilled to see each other, and want live version of you.
Each session will be recorded; links to the meeting will be made available a week after the meeting.
The PSC created a virtual background if you are are interested in using as your background for the day. Download it here.
Conference Speakers
The PHACE Syndrome Community is grateful for the speakers who are joining this conference.

Conference Sponsors
The PHACE Syndrome Community gives thanks to the following individuals for sponsoring this conference.
Platinum Sponsor
Adriane Baylis
Ann Buneo
Paul and Erin Butera
Brittany Graber
Erin and Michael Kotyk
Dianne Murray
Steven Russakoff
Jill Salas
Gold Sponsor
Christina Jones
Desiree John
Heather Ranck
Silver Sponsor
Jeannie Fuglesten Biniek
Kimberlea Chabot
April Erpelding
Michelle Grehan
Elizabeth Kaval
Diana LaMarca
Gwendolyn Savory
Britta Scheffer
Kim Spencer